Mayoral Duties
When asked to create an election party invite for the new Mayor of San Antonio, we were honored to say yes. Mr. Ron Nirenberg was elected in June of 2017 after serving several years on the San Antonio City Council. The new Mayor is bringing a fresh, inclusive and positive attitude to the mayoral office and our team was thrilled to help with the celebratory event. This type of dignitary work does not come along often and the bar was high – design something unique, memorable and classy. With that in mind, I tapped one of our senior designers and cast the vision to him. Brian grabbed the ball and ran with it! The result? An abstract outline of the Mayor’s figure, with the San Antonio skyline embedded into the outline. The symbolism was clear, but subtle – a new leader with a strong presence in his city, focused on the people. At the Mayor’s party I had a chance to visit with Mr. Nirenberg and he was thrilled with the final product. Another successful project by team MG! Oh yea, curious to see what it looks like? Drop us a line and we’ll gladly share…