MG Marketing Wins Marketer of The Year Again!
MG Marketing Wins prestigious Marketer of The Year award for the second year in a row. The Dallas Mavericks website re-design was a big project, and our team was up to the task. All new design, new functionality, integration with the NBA – the project was a slam dunk!
We did again! I couldn’t be more proud of our team and their passion for creativity and great website design on this project.
More of a Highlights Person? Straight to the facts….
- Website Sessions: Up 68%
- Pages per Session: Up 23%
- Average Time on Site: Up 3%
- Bounce Rate: Down 3.%
The Project – All New Website Design
When the Dallas Mavericks came to us with a request for an all new website design and experience, we knew the bar was high – there are only 32 NBA franchises and it’s a marketer’s dream to work with any of them – and our team was up for the challenge from day one. The Mavs marketing team outlined a list of requirements: a fresh design, better mobile experience, tech integration with the NBA data feed, and more. The current site was also slow, and analytics were cobbled together from several sources, making analysis and data-driven decisions difficult.
The Solution – It Starts With Listening
As tempting as it might have been to just jump in and start concepting new creative ideas for mavs.com, instead we started by listening. We listened to our client and their challenges, their problems with the current site, the goals for a new site, and all stakeholder involved. This might seem obvious, but too often it happens to be that in the excitement of creating something new, people forget to listen first, and understand the full scope of the project.
The Process – Metrics Driven, Creative Disruption
With a sound understanding of the goals for the Mavs new website, and access to data, then we took a deep dive into Google Analytics to identify objective areas of improvement. Our team wireframed several nav and site structure options that would simplify the fan experience and focus their interaction in several key areas: ticket sales, social engagement, and exploring the young new team.
The Outcome – All New Design & Improved Metrics
With a clear understanding of the goals and design direction, our team was on a fast-break to success (pun intended)! Oh wait, there was one more important factor. The Mavs needed the new site live in exactly 90 days to time up with the next season’s schedule release. This is one of our major differentiators as a marketing services provider. Speed is in our DNA and so without flinching, we said no problem!
The all new mavs.com launched on-time, with an all-new design and data integration with the NBA. The results?….
- Website Sessions: Up 68%
- Pages per Session: Up 23%
- Average Time on Site: Up 3%
- Bounce Rate: Down 3.%
All data measured year-over-year for the same 120 days post-launch, for a controlled and accurate comparison of the metrics. And our results? MG Marketing Wins Marketer of The Year Again! Ready to get started on your new website design project? Let’s chat!
Not ready just yet? No worries – check out our gallery page here for ideas and inspiration.